Любовта е лудост
Další název/názvy: Love is Folly
Žánr: Short film
Rok: 1917
Minutáž: 00:11:07
Popis: The university student and the girl are in love. The girl’s aunt opposes their love. She has decided to marry her off to a rich suitor. The student decides to cunningly discredit the suitor of her choice before the aunt.
Klíčová slova: романтичен / комедия / ням филм / ранно кино / България / Васил Гендов / Romance / Comedy / Silent / Early Film / Bulgaria / Vasil Gendov
Poskytovatel: Bulgarian National Film Archive
Práva: In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted / Bulgarian National Film Archive
Produkční společnost: Gendov Film
Barva: Black & White
Director: Gendov, Vasil
Sound: Without sound
Typ dokumentu:
Language: bg